Are you a supplier to ambulatory surgery centers?  Interested in being a sponsor at one of our upcoming meetings or conferences?

SCASCA Membership Meetings

SCASCA hosts four membership meetings a year in Columbia.  These meetings are for ASC administrators from across the state and are held as a luncheon event from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

For more information about these membership meetings, click here.


Are you interested in sponsoring a membership meeting? Please contact Erin Cusick at [email protected] for more information.


Joint Conferences

SCASCA also hosts two conferences a year with the Georgia Society of Ambulatory Surgery Centers.  These dates are in February and August of each year.  To find out more about these conferences contact Tammy Smith at (888) 526-9450 or visit the GSASC website.


Join the SCASCA vendor email list here to be notified each year about upcoming event opportunities.

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